The Campaign Diary of Private Bradley Forbes

January 5th 2067 18.00

Finally deployment to the Eastern Front has been announced. We leave 05.00 8th Jan. Events these past three years since the comet have been fast and I don't think anyone really has had time to take stock of what is really going on. Sometimes the speed things are moving really frightens me. I don't mind admitting that to you. A lot of people are going to die but it is my strong conviction that we are on the right side and that is all that really matters when it comes down to it.

I am leaving my wife and my baby boy and I know I may not return but stopping this country from falling into the hands of the Planetary Alliance is more important than anything now. I don't say this lightly and I am afraid to die but if we lose here then all of Western Europe will become the territory of the PA and the UWA and their backward and cowardly policies will spread and threaten to pull the entire human race down with them. If we can get a foothold back into Europe though then the Exodus Programme will be able to regain its rightful assets and our chances of survival will be greatly improved. If France falls then England will become the last bastion of sanity in Europe. For this reason alone we have no other option but to take the fight to them.

And so in less than 72 hours our entire regiment will begin its tour of duty in Europe and I and my brothers will be in Paris, the last free city on mainland Europe. I am both excited and frightened and desperate to be rid of all this waiting. That is what I hate the most; the waiting. Looks like it's finally coming to an end though. Crunch time.

They say the United World Army's war machine is running out of steam and with the high ranking officers of the former European powers fleeing to the UK and the US, as well as China and its sattelites, they lack any credible military strategy. Some reports even talk of dissention growing amongst its ranks. If this is true then maybe this will all be over by the spring and the revolution will have failed. I pray every day with all my that this is true.

Private Bradley Forbes
NWCC 43rd Armoured Brigade, Mechanised Infantry Division

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